SMCDLL.EXE - Dangerous
Manual removal instructions:
SMCDLL.EXE classified TROJAN.WPMUTNRO.EXE. SMCDLL.EXE executes everytime with your computer starting. SMCDLL.EXE takes a lot of system resources (CPU, hard drive). It makes your computer working slowely.
SMCDLL.EXE works as a Trojan program. It often installed with free shoftware or with keygens/patches to legitimate software.
SMCDLL.EXE is able to download another malware using the commands from a command center. It maybe a keylogger, spam program, password/bank information stealer, ad clicker, crypto miner or something else!
Technical Information:
- Full path on a computer= %LOCAL APPDATA%\\SMCDLL.EXE
You have 2 ways to remove SMCDLL.EXE:

My PC had gotten a bad rootkit that my ISP antivirus software (powered by McAfee) could not detect, nor could fix.
I sought a solution on the Internet and discovered your product and tried out the trial of UnHackMe.
You quickly found the rootkit and SAVED my PC!
I haven't had any problems since, and I'm extremely grateful.